This was our biggest yearly show in 2024. I created all of the collateral, samples and physical media at these show. This was my second year working as the only graphic designer so I was a lot more confident in what I was doing and way more prepared than the year before. I also redid all our spec sheets in the months coming up to the event as well so they would look fresh for the show (the old ones were outdated).

The first banner to show the envPrinter off at our biggest show of the year. Coverbind had a lot of materials with the gradient branding.

These signs were propped up on stands and printed on metallic boards

The graphics for the tower banner

These are mini banners I made as a test print before printing the full size.

One of the floor plans i made in sketchup for this trade show

Another version of the floor plan during planning. We made quite a few variations.